Zeolite For Health
PO BOX 173
Please order via our web site when possible.
Mail-orders: We accept money-orders from USA buyers, we accept credit card mail-orders from USA, Canadian & Overseas Buyers as well. Print or type name, address, telephone, email address, products desired, quantities, prices, credit card number, expire date and mail to the address above.
Please email any questions to: Zeoliteforhealth@AOL.com
No Medical Questions please.
Telephone: 1-973-979-3876 Open 7 days (7am - 5pm pacific time, 10am - 8pm eastern time)
Liquid Zeolite is the brand-name product. It is the brand of zeolite liquid recommended and sold by more healthcare practitioners than all other brands combined. Real, Genuine Authentic Liquid Zeolite is manufactured ONLY by Liquid Zeolite Company Inc. and is ONLY sold in a blue-white-silver labelled bottle. Don't be confused by the fake, copycat, imitation brands sold under various names. Even one company is selling a fake, copycat version with a maroon label or brown label and using the name Liquid Zeolite on it.
To Order Liquid Zeolite Click One of The Link Below:
Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ